At the St Clare Group, we want your child to receive a high-quality early years education and the government wants that too. To help you with the cost of childcare, we partner with the government to provide Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to our families. This is an assistance provided by the commonwealth Government to approved childcare centres.

To be Eligible For The Child Care Subsidy, You Must:

  • Care for a child aged 13 or younger who is not attending secondary school (exemptions apply for children with disabilities)

  • Care for a child at least 2 nights per fortnight, or have 14% care responsibility

  • Use an approved childcare service; approved centres offer both long day care and occasional care

  • Be responsible for paying childcare fees

  • Met residency and Immunisation Requirements – if receiving Family Tax B – Part A or child care fee assistance

The Pocket Early Education and Care - Preschooler Playing with Water

Child Care Subsidy Calculator

You can use the Child Care Subsidy Calculator to calculate how much subsidy you will receive.

Should you have any concerns or questions, the educators at The St Clare are happy to answer them for you. Simply call us at 07 3357 2332 or enquire online.

The Subsidy Assessment is Based on The Following Factors:

  • Your family’s combined income

  • Your activities and the Hours of Activity you and your partner do

  • The type of childcare your child attends

To receive CCS, you must set up a Centrelink account online and provide information to the government to prove your eligibility. Then, the government will provide you and your child with a Customer Reference Number (CRN). You are to submit these CRNs to your chosen childcare centre so they can calculate the rebates.

Full payment is required to your chosen childcare centre until the CRN is provisioned and released. Moreover, a maximum of 42 days of absence is permitted per child per fiscal year, after which you may be charged the full amount.

From July 11, 2022, children who haven’t attended a session of care in 26 consecutive weeks will no longer be eligible for CCS.

As family circumstances differ, we recommend that you give us a call to discuss how to apply for childcare subsidy.

To Meet The Activities Requirements, Parents Can be Involved in:

  • Paid work, including leave

  • Self-employment

  • Voluntary work

  • Training for employment upskilling

  • Tertiary study or apprenticeships

  • Job seeking

  • Paid parental leave